· Please contact the ride leader at least the day before the ride if you are planning to attend so they know to expect you.
· Arrive early enough to allow time for set-up so we can ride on-time.
· Each rider is expected to come prepared with their own on-ride maintenance items (spare tube, flat repair kit, etc.) and water/snacks.
· Every attempt will be made to stay together as a group. If a rider is dropped or is not comfortable with the pace, other arrangements may be made.
· The group will assist on minor mechanical issues. If it is a ride ending mechanical, ride leader will provide assistance while the rest of the group may complete the ride.
· Medical issues will be handled on a case-by-case basis and in accordance with their severity.
· The club assumes no responsibility for the parked cars during the ride. Every attempt is made to park in safe and visible areas
· No ride if:
- There is precipitation at, or an hour before, time of ride departure.
- Wind that is deemed too dangerous for the ride.
- Temperature is below 45 degrees (unless designated a “winter” ride).
· No upper temperature, but everyone should know their limits and determine accordingly.
· Please contact the ride leader if the weather is questionable.